
Life goes on…

Whether I’m writing or not
whether I’m running or not
whether my Orioles are winning or not (and they’re mostly not)
whether it’s hotter than nine hells or not (and it is)

Thank you Nike+ for informing me that I haven’t run for 127 days. Thank you Facebook for letting me know that my readers haven’t heard from me “for a while”.

Since I’ve been away from writing we’ve played some baseball games. We won three of them. We took a three night trip to PEI to spend some time away with DW’s brother and their 4 kids. Crash and Bang love playing with their cousins and were sad to leave. It’s been hotter than nine Hells here in Canadaland. The heat index has been at least 35 C. That’s 95 F. That’s 308 Kelvin. For us, that’s hotter than a toddler who was just handed the wrong color cup.

The kids are still being kids. The parents are still being parents (most of the time) (we’re off the clock after Satan’s Spawns are asleep). I have considered quitting this blogging gig. I haven’t posted since Crash’s Birthday a month ago. I haven’t written a word until right now, actually. I’m totally amazed y’all are still here. Not only have I not lost any readers, but I’ve gained a few! If you’re one the new ones, thanks for your faith in me that I’d come back. If you’re one of the old ones, you understand.

Life goes on, Obladi, Oblada,
how the life  goes on…




Sunday Share: Week 26

We’ve crossed the summer equinox here in the North. The days are long. Though here in Canadaland, they aren’t quite warm yet. Some days are, mind you. It just depends on how you define “warm”. It was 18 C today. For us, that’s warm. If you live in Lebanon, you’ll need your winter coat. My O’s still suck, but I wouldn’t be a true fan if I only rooted in the good times. And I made mozzarella pepperoni stuffed chicken this evening that was totally delicious. You should check out my instagram to see it. You can follow me there, too.

superishdad SUPERishDAD tells about a meal before and after having a child. If you’re a parent you’ll totally relate. If you’re not a parent, enjoy your ignorance.


presentThe Lupie Momma writes about the etiquette I wonder about twice a year- that gift bag for the kid who came to your kid’s birthday party.


busWatching our kids grow through the school can be rewarding. Even more so when your kid has ADHD. We do what we have to do to help them have a successful year.


treeSnoozing on the Sofa tells a gripping tale of Paul Bunyan, George Washington, and a good woman…



wonderoakJess at Wonderoak illustrates how she is learning to parent while parenting. Sometimes you just don’t need to rush. Sometimes waiting is all that’s required to survive, especially with a strong willed child.



Sunday Share: Week 24

Counting tomorrow, we still have three Monday’s of school left. We go the whole way through June. Though teachers and kids are starting their summer wind up. It’s close enough to smell, too far away to touch. Like the cookies in the oven. We don’t have any plans set in stone yet. Except for beaching, camping, hiking, kayaking, bon firing, and baseballing.


Do you have any summer plans?

skipahSkipah’s Realm
On (not in) a pool that is not blue…Perhaps one day it will be again. Also, a good read if you’re in need of a laugh.

sheilaHumor Columnist Blog
When someone doesn’t know the difference between Massachusetts and Alabama, things can get pretty funny. Especially, when that someone works for the highway department…


mommaA Momma’s View
On the loss of life. Sometimes it’s given up, sometimes it’s stolen. Either way, it was too soon.

girl Damn, Girl
1 year later and some blogging tip delivered only like Damn, Girl can do.

superwomanLori Lounge
Recruiting help from the little ones to get things done.




hey DW, we have everyting

Sunday Share: Week 23

My Orioles are 22.5 games behind 1st place so I’m not even going to bother wasting space talking about them here. Just know that I’m a die hard fan and will root for them win or lose. Even when they’re better at losing. They’ve lost more games than the first place team has won. I’m spiteful enough to not even name the first place team. Or the second place.

It was a good Sunday here in the Wood house. Crash mowed our neighbor’s yard. Then he mowed our yard. Color me impressed. Meanwhile, his brother couldn’t be bother to put his laundry away. Oh well. 1 for 2 is still better than the Orioles.

Riddle from the Middle
Something money can’t buy…

ah dad
Ah Dad
A dad’s letter for his son’s 18th birthday


Midlife Margaritas
When parenting and tweeting go hand in hand


Green Grapes
Walking for epilepsy with the Doose Warrior, Brave King James


Life kids glass of red
Life, Kids, and a Glass of Red
Life hacks on handling the stress season…


As always you can follow me on twitter and insta . Hope to see you there. Also if there is a post you feel is outstanding, whether it’s your own or another blogger, leave a link in comments below so I can check it out.

Sunday Share: Week 22

I love my Sunday Shares. It’s a chance for me let you know what I’m reading. It also allows me give shout outs to those who I think deserve a virtual high five. I try to have a mix of veteran bloggers and some new to the scene. That’s what the blogosphere is all about, community. We all get bigger by building each other up. So if there is someone you’d like give a lift to, leave me a link down in the comments so we can go check them out.

We can’t give them perfection. We can give them something better.

Man vs Mommy
On getting more than just requisite help from school…

Dream Big, Dream Often
On the news and giving it up…

Rosie Culture
A response to her younger self to a letter to her older self…

Blended Hope
A number to call to “report” some parenting happening…

As always, come follow me on Twitter and Instagram, too!


Nothing gets kids to talk quite like bedtime…

Sunday Share: Week 21

It’s Sunday of a long weekend. We’ll be singing Happy Birthday to Queen Victoria tomorrow. It’s been raining all day here and now that it’s 6pm I’m just want to put on pajamas and stuff my face with Double Stuff Oreos. It’s fun to make quadruple stuffs with them. Perhaps I’ll just open ALL the cookies, scrape the delicious innerds in a bowl and eat it with a spoon. Or just dip the cookie in it. MMMM Oreo dip.

This week’s reads are sure to delight. Feel free to share a link in the comments below of a post you enjoyed this week, even if you wrote it.

Accidental Hipster Mum
Trying to protect our kids…

Elen Grey
New foods and grunts.

Building the Love Shack
Spring, robins and a lesson learned…

J.A. Allen
Laura Mae share some inspirational ways to become inspired…

Second Wind Leisure
A photo challenge and a unique point of view…

You can follow more fun, food, and dysfunction on Twitter and Instagram.

Oreo Quote Funny

Sunday Share: Y2W20

I hope all you mothers had a fabulous day. Whether you got breakfast in bed, supper from your significant other, handmade gifts or store bought gifts or gift cards, hope it was all in the name of love.

Today in church when Father asked all the mothers to stand for a blessing, I stood up, too. DW laughed so hard she was crying. She thinks I wasn’t listening, but really I just wanted to show my support for all the moms.

Dorky Mom Doodles
What can you reach while driving?

Where Are Your Pants
The Grandpa who built more than just a doll house…

Marriage tip and nachos…

Threes A Herd
First loves, Prince Charmings, and the truth…

Eli, The Coach Daddy 
A hat, some golf, and tacos…

As always, you can follow more of my adventures in parenting and husbanding on Instagram and Twitter.


Month in Review: April


If my blog got pregnant last August this month would be its due date. That’s how long it has been since my last Month in Review. Since then, things have been chugging along like the Little Engine That Could. 153 posts later and it’s May and about time for another review.

26 – It’s the number of losses my Orioles have collected so far. Poor things. This is also the number of posts I published in April. Which is weird because I posted every day but 2 (poor M and X didn’t get their day). Where did those 2 posts get lost? Sucked up by the abyss that is the internet.

50 – Of the 26 posts, B is for Breathe earned the most views.

1,291 – While this could be the number of socks the dryer has eaten, it is actually the total number views for the month of April. I would like have had 1,500, but I’ll take what I get. I’m just surprised anyone even comes here to read my stuff. Thank you 1,291 times.

717 – This is how many times I cleaned up someone else’s mess over the weekend. It’s also the total number of visitors to my blog. Imagine if I got that many visitors to my house!

61kltx812bkl-_sx425_466 – Is about the number of times the boys told me they were hungry yesterday. I’m going to need to start selling my body to pay for the grocery bill. If only my body could buy us more than a bag of Holy Crap. I don’t like Holy Crap. I do like that my blog was liked 466 times, though.
239 – This is number of times you made my day last month. I love hearing from all y’all. Especially, when it’s about something I’ve written that you made a connection with. This is what keeps the blog fun and keeps me writing more. Thanks for all your comments!

55 – If only I could be as world traveled as my blog is. I could see everywhere from the US to Mauritius (off the coast of Madagascar) to New Zealand. However, the three countries who visited most are the usUS, caCanada, and the ukUK. indIndia was a close 4th and ausAustralia trailed by 1 for 5th place.

1,331 – This number is 275 more than the last time I reported it. I still can’t believe I have that many followers. To all 1,331 of you, thank you. You’re awesome. If you want to be awesomer, tell your friends! Thanks to Keeping It Real with, Kristi Brutally Honest Mom and Pixel Edit for being my newest three followers. Don’t be strangers. Come by this space whenever you want.

There is never competition here. Except when there is. I enjoy competition. I think it helps us rise up to be better than we thought we could be. So the reward for winning the competition that isn’t a competition is a simple shout out. Here are the top six commenters.*

That Anxious Mom Leads the way with 52 comments
Dewy was a close second with 43
Ann was on her tail with 41
Elen Grey followed with 38
It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes came in with 32
I Didn’t Have My Glasses On is new to this list and I’m glad to see her here. She’s here with 24 comments.

Will you find yourself on this list? I’d love to have you here!

As always you can follow me and find more of my fun on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to call Buck and find out why my Orioles have played just 34 games and are in last place, 17 games behind 1st place.

*This list is based on the last 1,000 comments



Sunday Share: Year 2 Week 19


Welcome to May. The sixth of May to be exact. Just a reminder that next weekend is Mother’s Day. Now’s your chance to plan something. Or set a remind to call your mom (or, at least, someone’s mom).

Our gardens are happy again. I mixed some compost and peat moss into the soil. Then I planted three new rose bushes. Our veggie garden got an upgrade when I added some fruit. A strawberry plant and blueberry bush. May summer come soon and may my plants flourish like the weeds I know I’m going to have to pull.

While we’re waiting for the weeds to grow, here are some good reads…

A Texan’s View of Upstate New York
Meeting and greeting with some friends…

The Return of the Modern Philosopher
The thinks one thinks while running

Bar Mom
On turning 30…

Julie Around the Globe
Should you find yourself in Dumaguete…

Ipuna Black
Getting back to what’s important…

Hope this Sunday finds you in good spirits. After a day of gardening in the sunshine and then supper with friends, we’re feeling good.

images (1)

Sunday Share: Y2W18


It’s Sunday. It’s raining. I’m trying to make the boys clean, but I’d have better luck trying to teach Chinese Calculus to a barrel of monkeys. It’s their own mess, too.

The peppers are coming along nicely in the living room. As is the maple tree. We have carrots, cucumber, beans, peas, and lettuce seeds anxiously waiting to be planted in the garden. We just need to get past the last frost which is somewhere between now and May 21st. I’ll probably plant them next week and keep them covered.

Until then, here’s something to read…

Passing Down the Love
Backyard games for kids or adults who want to be kids again…

Dorky Mom Doodles
10 Hilarious status updates…

A Momma’s View
W is for what she really needed…

Old House In the Shires
Teens and their stupid parents…

Where Are Your Pants
Things she’ll never be heard saying…
