Sunday Share: Year 2 Week 19


Welcome to May. The sixth of May to be exact. Just a reminder that next weekend is Mother’s Day. Now’s your chance to plan something. Or set a remind to call your mom (or, at least, someone’s mom).

Our gardens are happy again. I mixed some compost and peat moss into the soil. Then I planted three new rose bushes. Our veggie garden got an upgrade when I added some fruit. A strawberry plant and blueberry bush. May summer come soon and may my plants flourish like the weeds I know I’m going to have to pull.

While we’re waiting for the weeds to grow, here are some good reads…

A Texan’s View of Upstate New York
Meeting and greeting with some friends…

The Return of the Modern Philosopher
The thinks one thinks while running

Bar Mom
On turning 30…

Julie Around the Globe
Should you find yourself in Dumaguete…

Ipuna Black
Getting back to what’s important…

Hope this Sunday finds you in good spirits. After a day of gardening in the sunshine and then supper with friends, we’re feeling good.

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Sunday Share: Y2W18


It’s Sunday. It’s raining. I’m trying to make the boys clean, but I’d have better luck trying to teach Chinese Calculus to a barrel of monkeys. It’s their own mess, too.

The peppers are coming along nicely in the living room. As is the maple tree. We have carrots, cucumber, beans, peas, and lettuce seeds anxiously waiting to be planted in the garden. We just need to get past the last frost which is somewhere between now and May 21st. I’ll probably plant them next week and keep them covered.

Until then, here’s something to read…

Passing Down the Love
Backyard games for kids or adults who want to be kids again…

Dorky Mom Doodles
10 Hilarious status updates…

A Momma’s View
W is for what she really needed…

Old House In the Shires
Teens and their stupid parents…

Where Are Your Pants
Things she’ll never be heard saying…


The Sunday Share: Y2W16

MApparently, M is for mystery. I looked all over town yesterday for it and couldn’t find it at all. My get up and go got up and went taking my motivation to write with it. Oh well. I found it this evening. It was in the bag of chips and bowl of salsa that I just devoured.

Here comes a new week. Lets make the most of it!

The Salty Mamas
Ugh… okay, let’s play it one more time..

Mom of Two Little Girls
The 90’s teenager’s playlist…

Three’s a Herd
A letter to teens with dumb parents…

Return of the Modern Philosopher
A 3 day weekend and a plea to the Ruler of the Eternal Underworld

I Didn’t Have My Glasses On
Where are you Spring Eternal?

And you can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook


As soon as the snow melts the temperature isn’t freezing, I will…

Sunday Share: Y2W11

The journey of a thousand posts begins with single word. This is my first post in my journey to my next 1,000 posts.

I hope you have adjusted well to the time change. You probably haven’t, though. It’s okay, none of us have. Especially the kids. Stupid clocks. It was nice to see it light until 7:30, though. Soon, all around the world we’ll hear the old adage “but it’s still light outside!” come bedtime.

We’re on the road for a few days as this is the beginning of March Break for us. No school this week. It’s like spring break, but without the spring. We’re getting a snow storm Tuesday, so it’s definitely not spring yet. I’m kind of excited for the snow, but at the same time I’m looking forward to sun and warm days.

While you’re waiting for spring here are a few good reads!

Three’s A Herd
When the end of “raising them” is within sight…

Ipuna Black
On strong women… Happy International Women’s Day!

The Sound of One Hand Typing
A good quote for a Wednesday…

Making Time for Me
On grey hair (something I’ll never have to worry about)

Riddle from the Middle
Finding your calling at just the right time…

*YAWN* Now while you go get caught up on this great reading list, I’m going to go get caught up on sleep. See you in the morning.

Feel free to find and follow me on Instagram (see my in-law’s cat sleeping in basket), Twitter (where I try to be funny in 140 characters) and Facebook (where I post my blog)


Sunday Share: Y2 W7

We’re almost 8 weeks into 2018. Have I learned anything yet this year? I have learned a few new Keto recipes for DW. I learned Crash doesn’t like spaghetti squash substituted for spaghetti. I learned to spell spaghetti so I don’t have to type “sketti” even though that’s what everyone calls it. I learned that if we don’t have chocolate chips, Bang would rather starve than have a chocolate chipless pancake. I also learned that just because you’re in 10th place that doesn’t mean you can’t still win it all!

I also learned that these are some good reads from this week…

Dorky Mom Doodles
How you know you’re raising a “Mean Girl”

Damn, Girl!
Girl power! and gaining economic power…

Rosie Culture
Stop kicking yourself over the small stuff…

Dreaming the World
The complexity of a bird network isn’t just for the birds after all…

A Momma’s View
What’s something good that’s happened to you? Let her know, please. Good news is great news!

Lastly, let me share with you a few other places around the internets that you can find and follow me…


Keep Calm Gold Olympic Quote

Sunday Share: Y2 W6


One year ago today DW received “the call” that her father was being taken to the hospital by ambulance. From there he was transported to another, larger, hospital. On the way, DW asked him to send her eagles as a sign that he was with her.

When Bang learned to swim without a life jacket, an eagle flew overhead.
When DW was on her way to the hospital for CAT scan, she spotted an eagle.
When DW was feeling down and out, there was an eagle soaring.
When DW was missing him, Bang drew, colored, cut out, and taped an eagle to the wall.

As I’m sitting here watching the Superbowl, my brother-in-law’s favorite team, the Patriots are in it again. I know from past Superbowls that being down by 12 means nothing. I’d love to root for his team.

But I can’t get past that perhaps He is sending DW yet another eagle. I’m rooting for Philadelphia.

The Long Run Back
A peak into her running schedule… It’s enough to inspire me to lace up again.

Fatty McCupcakes
When you’ve got the rhythem of a flag pole and you attend a Zumba for the Gods class…

Snoozing on the Sofa
The joys of cooking for your offspring…

Where Are Your Pants
This is one diary worth reading…

Humor Columnist Blog
Wait for a business to do their business..

Don’t forget you can also follow Stomperdad (me) on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


On Finishing a Good Book

We started our journey some 2 years ago. Tonight it came to an end. Harry Potter died, but didn’t die. He returned to finish Voldemort properly. It’s been quite the adventure and Crash sure did love it. So much, in fact, that he checked out The Philosopher’s Stone from the library and has started rereading the series on his own. 

So in light of sending off our best friends, Harry, Ron, Hermione and the whole Hogwarts gang, all I can think to do is leave you with some quotes about what it feels like…

But not to worry. I’ll visit them again in a couple years when it’s Bang’s turn to have them read to him. In the meantime, Crash is already wondering what we’re going to read next!

Lucy At Home

Questions I Asked My Kids: Episode 41

I’m toying with the idea of setting up a Facebook page to accompany my blog, All In A Dad’s Work. Actually, I’ve already started setting it up, but haven’t published it, yet. Right now I share all my posts to my personal Facebook page. I’m now considering not publishing there. Have you tried, successfully or not, to run a Facebook page that was a companion to your blog? Right now all communication occurs on WordPress. Rarely does anyone comment about a post from FB. This would separate my blogging “life” from my personal. Though, often times, they’re one in the same.

Now, on to the questions. The boys had a friend over so naturally, we included her in the questioning. Happy Reading!

ND = Neighbor’s Daughter

1. If you creatd a new flavor of gum, what flavor would it be?

Crash: Strawberry milkshake
Bang: Trampoline grass
ND: Strawberry smoothie

2. Which fictional character do you wish would come to our house?

Crash: Squirtle
Bang: Queen Amadala
ND: Pikachu

3. What two animals would it be fun to combine?

Crash: Pig and elephant
Bang: Camel and cow
ND: Spider and giraffe

4. If you got a trophy, what would you get it for doing?

Crash: Nintendo championship trophy for being the best gamer in the world
Bang: First place for racing in my car
ND: For being the best sister

5. What do you think your favorite animal’s favorite sport would be?

Crash: An eagle playing Quidditch
Bang: A giraffe’s favorite would be soccer
ND: A cat playing football

6. If we communicated with musical instruments, which instrument would you use?

Crash: Recorder
ND: Tuba

7. If you went to a super hero pet store, what pet would you get and what would its super power be?

Crash: I would get a chameleon that could turn invisible and have super springy legs
Bang: I would have a dog that could fly
ND: A hamster that could brainwash people

8. You got your picture in the paper for making a discovery at the park. What did you discover?

Crash: A treasure chest with a million diamond gems, dollar bills and other loot and treasure like that
Bang: I discovered a blue and red train
ND: I discovered a lemon shaped like snake

9. If you could make the moon a different shape, what shape would you make it?

Crash: Pidgeon
Bang: Triangle
ND: Heart

10. What would it be fun to be for Halloween if you could really turn into it?

Crash: Eagle
Bang: A ghost
ND: A Hummingbird

Sunday Share: Monday Edition: Week 18, The Z’s

The A to Z Challenge has come to an end until next year when we decide to take on this task yet again. It was fun, as always. This year I didn’t miss a single letter. Though, a few posts just barely made it in under the wire. I’ll let you know how the month went tomorrow. Tonight, I’d like to share one more time, some others who also finished up the challenge spectacularly.

coach daddy Coach Daddy
Z is for Zen and your chances…

dorky Dorky Mom Doodles
Z is for Zzz and the bedtime battle

momma A Momma’s View
Z is for a Zesty ending…

zigzag Little Heart Speaks
Z is for leading a Zigzag life…

ziggy What Is Hoped For
Z is for a vulture named Ziggy not voiced by the Beatles…

stomperdad All In A Dad’s Work
Z is for The End (not Zebra)…


Sunday Share: Week 16 #AtoZChallenge


I hope the Easter Bunny found everyone happy and healthy this glorious morning! Bonus points if you figure out the common link in all these posts!

Dorky Mom Doodles
M is for Marriage

A Momma’s View
M is for Miracles

Coach Daddy
M is for Men I Forgot to Be

John Mark Miller – The Artistic Christian
M is for Music of Mercy: Echos from the Titanic

Writing is Communication
A – Z Blogging Challenge, Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles Presents the Letter M for Magic Mike

All In A Dad’s Work (aka Stomperdad) (aka me)
M is for Mom

Have a letter M post you’d like to share? Leave it in the comments!
Not enough Easter Bunny today? Hop on over and find me on Twitter!