Sunday Share: Y2W20

I hope all you mothers had a fabulous day. Whether you got breakfast in bed, supper from your significant other, handmade gifts or store bought gifts or gift cards, hope it was all in the name of love.

Today in church when Father asked all the mothers to stand for a blessing, I stood up, too. DW laughed so hard she was crying. She thinks I wasn’t listening, but really I just wanted to show my support for all the moms.

Dorky Mom Doodles
What can you reach while driving?

Where Are Your Pants
The Grandpa who built more than just a doll house…

Marriage tip and nachos…

Threes A Herd
First loves, Prince Charmings, and the truth…

Eli, The Coach Daddy 
A hat, some golf, and tacos…

As always, you can follow more of my adventures in parenting and husbanding on Instagram and Twitter.


4 thoughts on “Sunday Share: Y2W20

  1. … @Miss A: And those younger than 6 can fetch us beers and pizza slices until dinner.

    Eric: Thanks for the inclusion, my brother from the North. I’m going to check out the one about grandpas and pants.

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