Why I Cook Two Meals


The only time in my life that I dieted was in high school between the months of November and March. That was wrestling season. After high school, I continued to eat healthy and I still do.


But I’ve never dieted again. I’ve never needed to watch my weight. As DW likes to say, “He eats the food and I gain the weight.” I’ve always understood dieting to mean weightloss. You go on a diet because you want to lose some weight, be healthy, avoid a heart attack or diabetes or something else that might run in your family. As I got older, I’ve come to understand that the word diet is a misnomer. It should be called a dietary lifestyle change, or waist recycling, or better nakeding.

Becuase we ALL want to look good naked.

How many diets over the years have been tried? How many of them have you tried? How many of them have failed? Previously, the 21 Day Fix (minus the workouts) entered our house. It worked for a bit. DW managed to lose 15 pounds. However, after 3 months it became the same foods over and over.


Then DW’s cousin told her about this diet her own doctor, a metabolic specialist, had her undertake. The ketogenic (keto for short) diet. Once we understand that it’s not fat that makes us fat, the diet makes more sense. Sugar makes us fat and our bodies treat sugar and carbohydrates the same way. The keto diet is low carb/sugar, moderate levels of protein, and high in fats.

She went on this thing called “cold turkey” and quit the carbs and sugars over night. She switched to 85-90% chocolate as her treat. We found and make treats that use this stuff called erythritol – a sweetener that doesn’t spike blood sugar levels.

So now I cook two meals at supper time. Though, technically, I really only cook one meal. I just do it two different ways. If I make meatloaf, I’ll make two. One normal one and one that doesn’t have ketchup and brown sugar and bread crumbs. It has other tasty stuff. Don’t worry, if I’m cooking it, it will be good enough to eat. When I make spaghetti I also make spaghetti squash for DW. We go through a ton of cauliflower. Most recipes can be “ketofied”. And ketofy it I do. Pizza (fatheat pizza crust). Brownies. Pie. Bread (a.k.a. cloud bread). I save the bacon fat and cook with that, too.

We were also walking after school while the boys were ice skating.

She’s had bloodwork done twice now. After five months her good cholesterol is going up. Her bad cholesterol is going down. She is now down nearly 32 pounds.

She looks great naked, too.


30 thoughts on “Why I Cook Two Meals

    • My oldest (10) will eat cauliflower. My youngest (6) has no bribe big enough to make him try it. Dad for the half win? 🙂 We try to stick to the “real” foods, too. Just the best we can with what we have!


  1. I’ve been thinking of trying keto. I always do very well with stuff like that – following rules – until I hit a wall and it just seems so damn hard to maintain that level of planning and work. Some days I can barely nuke pizza for my kids!


    • LOL It does take some planning, but usually only in the form of having the right foods in the house. You still get to eat real food, but sometimes it takes a bit more effort. When the boys and I have pizza, I have to make a keto pizza crust. It only takes 15 minutes, but it’s still the effort of making it.

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  2. Would you and the kids eat her version of foods? I’ve been a successful Weight Watcher for over a decade…lost baby weight with it an everything. I pawn off all of my recipes to anyone eating at my house…or whatever I bring to the random pot luck. People don’t know the difference, and it makes things easier. But, I don’t know this eating plan, so maybe it wouldn’t work.

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    • We do eat some of it. The 6 year old won’t touch most of it though. He’s too picky. With this being a significantly higher fat content than normal I’m not entirely sure about introducing it to all of us.


      • Thanks, I guess when it’s a lifestyle change (which this is), it becomes more second nature. I’ve lost my taste for a lot of thing…but not enough to not go overboard on things periodically. It is a battle though. WW has been the only weight loss program I’ve ever tried. I imagine the yo-yo stuff could drive anyone bananas.

        Adding kids to the mix makes everything annoying. My kids are good eaters; not perfect ones. As is I can’t predict what will be scarfed, and what is briefly chewed before it’s spat on the floor. I give you credit for the multiple meal! Some days I can imagine it isn’t a huge deal, but others…

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      • 9 times out of ten it technically isn’t really meals. It’s just one meal cooked 2 slightly different ways. Sometimes, it works out that we all eat it the the same way. It kinda gives me a vested interest in her weight loss. Support she probably wouldn’t get otherwise.


  3. Exactly like our place. My husband went all keeto on me..so one meal for me and the little one ( carb abuser) and one that drowns in cheese, or at least it looks like.


  4. “Better nakeding” that’s hilarious!

    Those are some awesome results. Everyone I know that has done keto swears by it. I don’t like enough foods to make a real go of it, so I’ll just continue starving with CICO 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      • Holy crap, that’s amazing! It’s calories in, calories out, staying under whatever you basal metabolic rate is. I do some intermittent fasting with it, too. Before I fell off the wagon around the holidays, I was down about ~40 pounds for the year. Not that much now, but working on it!

        Liked by 1 person

      • 40 lbs is impressive! Also it’s helpful to know that its sugar that makes us fat, not fat. So cutting sugar and carbs will definitely help to cut empty calories.


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