Questions I Asked My Kids

Episode 62. 620 questions. That’s how many questions I answered before breakfast. They ask more questions than Numeris (they’re that survey group). This is my chance to exact a bit of revenge. It’s only 10 questions, though. The difference is, my questions don’t have wrong answers. Theirs do. Imagine all the ways to answer, “Why is windy?”

Feel free to borrow these questions to ask your own kids or spouse or parents or neighbor or next random person who passes you in Wal-Mart. Remember to tag me in it so I can read and share!

So without further ado, my questions…

1. How would you describe a perfect day for you?

Crash: Sitting down playing Roblox with my friends and then we all have a soda, chat and talk and have fun on Roblox
Bang: Electronics all day playing Geometry Dash. Also, I’d live by myself.

2. If you could change anything in the world, what would you change?

Crash: Most important probably would be that no one gets angry, hungry, have to be homeless, and everyone had lots of money
Bang: It would be summer all the time so I could go biking.

3. What is your biggest dream?

Crash: To collect every Pokemon card there is.
Bang: To be a dragon so I can destroy my bother!

4. Where is your favorite place to be?

Crash: Home
Bang: England because they speak “British” (he’s never been to England)

5. What makes you happy?

Crash: Pokemon and video games
Bang: When I get to play Geometry Dash

6. If you become a superhero what would you name yourself and what’s your power?

Crash: Wonder Woman! (NO! JUST KIDDING!) I’d call myself Bald Eagle and I’d could every eagle on Earth and they would help us fight
Bang: Captain C and I could butt kick and fly and super boost.

7. If your stuffie could talk, what would they say?

Crash: Monkey would say “Can we snuggle”. “I peed in your bed last night.” “Keep me away from your little brother because he likes to throw me around.”
Bang: Penguin would say “Hello. My name is Penguin. I’m the cutest stuffie ever.”

8. What is something that made you laugh today?

Crash: Me and my friend were buddy reading and my friend kept making ridiculous faces.
Bang: When you cooked my toes with the green beans in the frying pan!

9. What do you think you’ll dream about tonight?

Crash: Magic flying unicorns that poop on faces. That or I’ll dream about playing video games.
Bang: I’ll dream about nothing or I’ll just stay awake all night until morning.

10. What are some great things about nature?

Crash: It can be really cool, like the noise of water running over rocks
Bang: Robins are great because they’re birds and they’re peaceful. Waterfall noises, too.

There, now I’m going to go climb some walls.

12 thoughts on “Questions I Asked My Kids

  1. Haha kids minds are wonderful things !! My 6 year old wanted to go to the pet shop once –
    what for?
    Because we need to buy a octopus
    why son?
    Because my school pen has run out of ink so we need to use his long tentacle and put it in the end of my pen then squeeze its belly till it all comes out its leg !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Questions I asked my child | Its good to be crazy Sometimes

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