No One Strapped to the Roof

Well, not yet anyway. We were on the road for about 10 hours yesterday. The kids had a few breakdowns when they got bored so they would irritate each other. Our plan was to make it half way, which we did. Crash spotted a hotel and said, “We could stay there.” We responded with, “We could, but we’ve been only been driving for an hour and 15 minutes!” So, of course, every hotel we saw after that we ask Crash if he wanted to stop there for the night. We laughed.

Have you ever confused 2 cyclers for horses? Easy mistake, right? What confused me most is why 2 people would ride their horses on the shoulder of a major highway. That’s because they were riding bikes, not horses.

Then Bang went trigger happy with his camera. I can’t wait to see the pictures. Cement trucks. 18 wheelers. Overpasses. Hopefully, they’re not all a blur.

Now, it’s  5:30 am. DW and Crash just got out of the shower. I have a hunch we’ll be on the road by 6:30 for our next 8 hour leg. Ma and Pa (and an aunt, uncle and cousins) will be excited when we finally get there!

13 thoughts on “No One Strapped to the Roof

    • The 20 hours in the car was a bit brutal. About every 2-3 hours they would get restless and bored and start fighting. Now they have cousins to play with. They’re not so bad now 🙂


      • We managed. You’re right about being able to stop. My brother and sister in law fly home from South Korea every summer – a 14 hour flight. At least in a car we stop for the night if we need to.


  1. That sounds so exciting! I haven’t had a chance to travel more than an hour with our son because of his medical issues, but I’m looking forward to it (believe it or not). We have family several hours away that’s dying to see him, and they have a difficult time making it out to see us.


    • For being stuck in the car for 4 days (2 on the way there, 2 on the way back) they did reasonably well. Every few hours they’d get bored and fight. We’d yell at them. They’d quit and go back to doing whatever it was they were doing before they started fighting. Good luck traveling with your son!

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