The Entitled Millennial

I’m just going to appologize to Millennials right now.

I’m sorry.

I’m about to generalize your generation. Stereotype. I know it’s not all of you, but it certainly is some of you. Hell, even a few of my Generation Xers have the same mentality. We all win. We all deserve everything we want simply because we want it. We will all be successful millionaires. I know it’s not all of you, but I know one of you lives in my house.

Lets start with hats. The basic ball hat with a brim and a logo of your choosing. Functional. Decorative. It can speak for the kind of person you are. I’m a sporty kind of person and show my support for the O’s (damn you Blue Jays for beating us last night). Some show their support for hockey or football, Adidas or Puma, Pokemon or fidget spinners. You can roll the brim a little or you can roll it a lot. Or you can keep as it flat as Tom Brady’s football. I, personally, think it looks a bit ridiculous and I have to restrain myself from bending brims to their proper shape. I show the same self restraint when I see pants that hang too low. I refrain from pulling them up and putting a belt on them. You can imagine my shock when my 10 year old showed me his new Pokemon hat that his grandmother bought him and the brim was straighter than an uncooked spaghetti noodle. I rolled it. He had a conniption and stormed off and straightened it again. His mother came home from work and had the same reaction. He wears it rolled now. Just like it’s supposed to be. Want a Millennial? Let him wear it straight.

Okay… so straight brimmed hats really aren’t that big of a deal. Sure they look foolish to us Gen Xers, but it certainly won’t change the world. You know what will? Millennials who expect to get exactly what they want simply because they want it. A job, millions of dollars, more money for doing less work, a participation award. Or as we call it in this house, “The Gimmies”. He wants wants wants but won’t do do do. We’ve never put up with that attitude here, yet it runs rampant in the first born. This attitude can change the world more than a flat brimmed hat could ever dream of changing. The world is still a good place despite all that is being reported in the media. However, if the trend of gimmie gimmie gimmie instead of give give give continues, the world will change as fast as the climate. You can’t deny that.

We’ve been trying to demonstrate this giving attitude. I give blood and I take the boys with me to see it. I explain to them that every donation could help up to three people. We take them out to the community clean up to beautify our town. I mow the neighbor’s yard because she can’t. DW volunteers on the park committee and during election time. We both will shovel the neighbor’s driveway. Yet the attitude of entitlement continues.

I certainly don’t confuse this Millennial attitude with not caring. Sure, he may not care that his garbage can’t find the garbage can in the house. He may not care that the clean clothes I just washed and folded are now thrown across his bedroom floor. He may not care that he did a poor job on the chore I asked him to do. Half assing it would be an improvement. He may not care that his brim is too straight.

However, he cares deeply for others. I’ve witnessed him helping autistic children keep their belongings together on field trips. I’ve heard from parents and teachers that he helps the children with special needs exit the building during fire drills and the alarms are overwhelming. I’ve seen him be a bus buddy, making sure his assigned 5 year old first timer makes it to the right classroom when they get to school. He makes sure they get off at the right stop when they come home. He’s even fessed up to breaking a toy that another child was blamed for breaking.

It’s clearly not his compassion that needs exercise, it’s his entitlement. Entitlement far outweighs responsibility. If we can make the latter more important than the former, we can make the world an even better place. It’s a hard lesson to teach and an even harder lesson to learn.

Roll that brim, pull up your pants, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


21 thoughts on “The Entitled Millennial

    • Thanks, Ann. Yes, I do think “entitlement” starts at home by parents who coddle their children far longer than their children are children. Sometimes, kids just think they deserve everything no matter what generation they’re in. No matter which generation, there are some fads I’ll never understand (flat brims and saggy pants)


  1. The word entitlement just sums it all up right there…We are definitely living in different times when it comes to comparing kids “nowadays” to us kids “back then”…

    Funny thing though..I don’t know where I stand when it comes to the very term “millennial.” Supposedly I fall into the category of this group, although many others my age are claiming otherwise….interesting..

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are a different generation entirely. We knew life before there was internet. Or at least I did. I take the term “Millennial” to mean the kids of the late 90’s and 2000’s. Thanks for stopping in!


  2. Kids. As long as they are compassionate I think that’s the best trait to have. As for entitlement they will learn soon enough when they start working so still got time. A teacher said to me once when she told me my kids are perfect angels at school. I told her not the case at home. She replied usually that’s the case they are either or 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s always the case. When teachers talk about our kids we’re never sure they’re talking about the right kid. Angel? He’s Satan’s Spawn at home! WTH? Compassion is definitely a good trait to have. One shows compassion to those with special needs and the other shows compassion toward the elderly.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, our Millennials have that sense of entitlement…I blame us Boomers! Technically, kids born after 2001 are called “Homelanders” or “iGen” depending on the media’s take on it any day now. According to gen experts, members of this generation, who will start driving this year (!!) are similar to the “Silent” Generation, parents of the boomers. Look it up 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like the straight hat brim style myself, but I recently found out that I’m considered to be part of the millennials (apparently that starts from 1982), so that might explain it.

    I get the whole entitlement attitude frustration. LM is very compassionate and all of those good things, but he expects everything without working for it. I keep trying to figure out what we need to change with our parenting style but am coming up short. Hopefully something will click.


  5. I think we should call the current generation the Pre-Deluge generation. The generation that’s going to get its hair fried and its feet wet. Yet nobody wants to stop spending “energy” or breeding like rabbits. You try to be economical, I can’t, I’ve been dog-trained to waste. (Hopefully I’ll be dead before things get rough.)


  6. The posting problem occurs when I try to go back using the arrow key to correct something I typed. It gives me the impression that someone else is accessing the page and “confusing” the software. (I used to work with database-driven content programs in another life.)

    My comment was that someone should examine the parenting techniques of the parents of famous individuals: Julius Caesar, Atila the Hun, Senator Joe McCarthy, Huey Long, Al Capone, Mary Curie, the Bronte sisters, and so on. Incidentally, the parental regime is not a dictatorship, it’s more like a utopian experiment gone awry. If your kids still like you when they’re fourteen, you’ve done fine. (I hated both my parents at fourteen.)


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