The Game of Binging

This blog is being interrupted because we are binge watching Game of Thrones. We started watching it years ago, but not having HBO made it difficult. We’re almost done the first season.

Now Ned knows Cersi’s kids aren’t Robert’s. Sansa wants to marry Joffery. Terion just escaped death at the Erie. 

What are you watching and how’s it going?

With all this bloodshed on TV I now leave you something cute. Thanks to Sandra for posing this little challenge. 

21 thoughts on “The Game of Binging

  1. I loved the Game of Thrones books but never managed to get really into the TV series. The boyfriend wants to rewatch it all so I might have to push through… 😉 I’m currently binging on the latest season of House of Cards and a new, excellent Netflix original called iZombie. Happy binging!


    • The books were great. I didn’t really get into the TV series much when I first watched it. I understood what was happening because I had read the books. This second (really first and half) time through I’m gettting it better and it makes more sense. Perhaps the second time is the charm? I’ve heard great things about House of Cards (I love Spacey) but never heard of iZombie.

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      • Hopefully second time will be best! The first time I watched it I struggled with all the accents, but after a year in England I’m used to it now. Maybe that’ll help! House of Cards is absolutely amazing, especially the first 4 seasons. The latest season is a bit more ‘complicated’ but very enjoyable too. iZombie is the show always sugessted by Netflix but that everyone skips… Until you start watching it and get sucked in! 😉


      • I’ve watched a couple shows like that… Channel surfing I found Girl Meets World (Boy meets World after they grew up and had a daughter) and got sucked into it. I kinda liked it! Now I HAVE to go start watching House of Cards!

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