The Daily Elf

Crash had a sleepover at Nanny and Pop’s house last night. Bang was really upset because he wanted to go. Big brother gets to go frequently. The elves, being as kind-hearted as they are, decided they would try for a sleepover in Bang’s bed. This definitely cheered him up. Though he knew Woody and Elfis couldn’t do that. If they got touched they’d lose their magic. So Mom carefully picked them in up (technically, she picked up the stocking they were snuggled in) and moved them to Crash’s bed for the night. When we woke we found them snuggled together. Woody hugged Elfis and Elfis hugged one of Crash’s stuffies and they were all snuggled in bed.

Later in the day they moved their stocking to Bang’s bedroom door. Bang nearly caught them, too! They had to dive back into their hiding place and nearly didn’t make it time! The excited squeal of a 5 year old echoed through the house…

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  1. Pingback: death on a cracker | Riddle from the Middle

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