Behind the Scenes Blogging

I found this on Stephanie’s blog, Making Time for Me. I thought the questions interesting enough to answer myself. But like Stephanie wrote, I’m also interested in your answers.

  1. Where Do You Blog?  Usually in the basement. That’s where the desktop computer is. That’s the computer I can use most efficiently. If the laptop is free I’ll blog from the kitchen. Weird place for a laptop, but it seems to dwell on the kitchen table the most. I did just get a new tablet (with a keyboard). So perhaps I’ll start blogging from the new living room couch.


  1. Where Do You Find Inspiration For Your Blog Posts? My inspiration usually comes from my two boys affectionately known as Crash and Bang. For those who have been here before, Thursdays is all about them when I ask them questions. Fridays is also all about them when I answer their questions. For all the days not Thursday or Friday, I capture the moments, the joys, and frustrations of being a parent.


  1. How Long Does It Take You To Write a Blog Post?  Usually it takes me about 45 minutes from start to finish. I aim for 500 words. I don’t know why I picked 500, but it seemed like a good number of words to write. It also depends on how well the thoughts flow from brain to fingertips. A lot of times the message gets lost in translation.


  1. Do You Plan Your Blog Posts? How?  Four of the seven days are planned. As I mentioned in numero dos, Thursday is “Questions I asked my kids” day. Friday is “Go ask your father” day. Saturday is for 100 word fiction story (I just finished a 26 chapter story there, check it out). Sunday is for sharing posts I enjoyed reading from the previous week. This leaves Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for writing inspirational, thought provoking, laughter inducing posts.


  1. What Kind of Camera Do You Use? What Editing Program?  I have this fancy camera called “The Internet”. However, I have been known to use a few of my own photos or DW’s with or without her permission. When I do use my own, I use her camera, also with or without her permission. It’s a Canon powershot 50x. It zooms to 1200 mm. Basically, it’s a telescope. I don’t edit. I use as is.


  1. Do You Use a Notebook To Track Your Ideas?  I discovered an app (thanks to another blogging friend) I use to track all the questions the boys ask me. It’s also the app I use to track what groceries we need. Handy. They ask more questions than I could ever possibly write down.


  1. How Do You Take Your Pictures?  With the camera I discussed in numero cinco. I take them carefully. I take them many many times. Especially selfies with the cell phone. I suck at selfies. This one was a lucky shot…
lucky selfie

Lucky selfie… we’re all in it and we’re all looking!


  1. What’s Your Favorite Type of Blog Post to Write?  My favorite to write are the funny ones. Though I’m probably not nearly as funny as I think am. I try to inject a little humor into all my posts. I enjoy laughing at myself as much as every else enjoys laughing at me. I enjoy laughing at others as well. Especially when we’re telling parenting stories!


  1. Who Knows About Your Blog?  Everyone on my Facebook knows as all posts get shared there. It’s pretty much how my parents keep up to date with what’s happening up here in the Great White North (we live 1100 miles aways from Nana and Pop Pop). Other than that, it all y’all who have found their way here to read me! Thanks a million!
  1. Are You an Organized or a Messy Blogger?  Pretty messy. Each post might be neatly organized, but if you saw my drafts folder you’d be like, “WTF?” I’m a piler (pile-er?). Everything is in piles and no one can find anything. If you ask me where it is I can take you right to it. Unless I had it a minute ago. I don’t know where it is now.


  1. Biggest Blogging Pet Peeve?  Using a phrase incorrectly or spelling things wrong.  I have a hard time continuing on in a post when there are a bunch of spelling errors. Including my own. My biggest error is leaving out words. My brain moves faster than my fingers.  If I go back and reread one of my posts and start finding mistakes, I stop reading. Ain’t no one got time for that.

Lastly, I am not challenging anyone in particular. I don’t want to be the kind of person who puts too much pressure on someone else. Ping this post and I will RT your post as well.

spider web

One of the community of spiders taking up residence outside our front door. They eat the bugs that eat us.

27 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes Blogging

    • I’m with you on lazy. My blogs are more routine instead of planned. Even the recurring posts Thursday – Sunday aren’t written until the night before at best. Often, they’re written that day. If I have an idea for a post I just write a few notes about it in my drafts folder. I’m too lazy to use a notebook. Besides, I’d probably lose it anyway.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Behind the scenes Blogging – DebWasHere

    • Thanks for those kind words. While I did start blogging 3 years, it was only recently that started writing regularly because back then I had kid and toddler. Now that we’re past the toddler stage I have a bit more time to write (though it’s usually after they go bed). If you want to write more, you will 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. THAT is a very cool spider web of your front-door resident spider. Impressive! And i”m fascinated (there’s always something so fascinating about spider webs!)
    This is a great idea for add-on content…useful for days when the brain ins slow. Great answers to the questions, though…and you actually use a proper camera! LOL. Your new living room couch looks like a very comfy place to write a post or two, too by the way. (trying hard not to have any spelling errors here or leaving out words. But alas, we are only human! Not English professors (who are also human) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post, and wonderful insight in to how you do what you do. Also, it makes me feel super lazy. I put these things out when and if I put them out. Kinda like Stephen King’s “The Pop of King” articles at the end of Entertainment Weekly…

    Also, seriously, you plan these things. I should plan these things. I’d put out more than just one a month, wouldn’t I?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I attempt to blog every day, so a bit of planning is necessary to keep from repeating myself. But my planning is minimal at best. Having regular posts (Thurs-Sun) relieves a bit of the stress of what to write about.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you kind sir. But a pro would be getting paid to write every day. Alas, I’m still an amateur waiting for his big break. I salute all those who write regardless of how frequently or how many words.


  4. Pingback: Behind the scene: blogging tag – MariaJob

  5. Pingback: Month in Review | All In A Dad's Work

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