Sunday Share 29

Well hello there! Glad you could stop by for a few minutes on your way to wherever you were headed to next. Kick off your shoes. Hang your coat in the closet. Stay a while. Have some tea. Or coffee. Or a Coke.

We’ve had a wheelbarrow of rain and dump trucks of sunshine. With this combination you can pretty much hear the grass growing. I’m mowing twice a week to keep up with it!


This is how fast my backyard grows…

I leave you these great reads to read while I’m out mowing. Happy reading!

Baby Sideburns
Playground discipline…

Hershey’s World
The countless constellations…

Humor Columnist Blog
This one is for the few blogger friends who are moving…

Square Head Teachers
Teaching in a classroom with ADHD kids

Finding Rachel’s Way
Get’er done

Crash’s Corner
See if you can find his first Troll comment. Haters gonna hate, but more on that later this week…

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