Month in Review


February was good to me. It was even better to me than January so I broke up with January. January is now my ex-month. We have shared custody of my blog posts. It was for the better.

Anyway, on to the stats. The meat of the matter. The juice in the box…

February ended with:

2,099 views. That’s the first time I topped 2k! And it was a short month. That’s 597 more views than January. Over 1/3 more, for free!
624 visitors. That’s a gain of 197.
37 posts. That’s 8 more than January saw. Maybe that’s why January broke up with me. I didn’t put out post as often.
745 likes. A gain of 172.
637 comments (two of which were from Grumpy Frog. That’s what Bang calls my dad) This is up 116. Thank you readers for the awesome discussions.

Besides my homepage with 334 views, the most popular post in February was To Crochet or Not to Crochet with 84 views. To crochet was definitely the answer. DW learned to crochet hats and loves it. She’s working on a pair of socks now. Next was 10 Questions I Asked My Kids with 75 views. This is a Thursday series I started where I do exactly as the title says. Their answers provide a little comic relief to the week. “Loaf”ing Around took the bronze. Making bread is pretty fun!

The Value of A Teacher is still in the lead by far with 503 views.

The most visitors were from the U.S., U.K., and Thailand. Canada, you were a close fourth! Canada and Thailand switched spots from January.

February saw a gain of 26 followers. My latest three followers are Niki of Niki’s Thoughts, Sue of Crazy Tuesdays, and Victoria of Time Out Or Else Will you be next? (Hint: you don’t need a WordPress account AND you’re email is kept confidential. Not even I am shown your email address).

Lastly, my top 6 commentors are:
Ann of Grubbs n Critters
Elen of Elen Grey
Daley Downing
Tiffany of kismaslife
E of That’s What Anxious Mom Said
Farady’s Candle

Most importantly is what the statistics don’t show. It doesn’t show the group of virtual friends, other bloggers like me and not like me. Without all of you coming back to read this dribble everyday the stats would paint a picture that looks more like a 5 year old’s finger painting than the Monet you see here.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to read. You really do make this blogging thing a whole lotta fun!


This was a few weeks ago. The yard is all grass now. RIP igloo.

32 thoughts on “Month in Review

    • I know there were a coupke days I posted twice, but I didn’t realize it was that many. More posts = more views. You’re welcome for the ping, thanks for the comments 🙂


      • Yeah, there were a lot of two-in-one-day for you in February. Well, I tend to spend a lot of time around small people, or those who can only talk about Minecraft, and these days most of my adult social contact seems to be in the blogisphere. 😉 It’s always great to find posts well worth reading and discussing! 🙂


      • I hear ya. I’m forever stuck in munchkinland. At school and at home. Adult interaction is nice 🙂 At home, most of the conversation is about MC. He’s either playing it, watching, building it with Lego, or reading about it.


      • Yeah, White Fang comes home from school, and it’s all MC, MC, MC… I have to ask what’s actually going on with his teachers/friends/classes. He even somehow talked me into reading the Elementia Chronicles by Sean F. Wolfe. It’s well written for a juvenile series, but because it’s set completely on a MC server, I can only take so much. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      • Elementia 8s something Crash would love. I’ll have to look it up. He would read it multiple times, no doubt. Crash won’t divulge any info about school without being questioned about it.


    • Thanks for the reblog and the kind words. I’ve learned that what goes around comes around. I’m not really as focused on the “stats” as this reviews suggests. I just enjoy watching/reflecting how I’m doing.


  1. Congratulations – I don’t focus so much on the stats, but maybe it’s because I don’t have such good ones like you 😛
    But I fully agree with your concluding sentiment – the stats don’t always reflect the extent of the community, which doesn’t cease to amaze me!
    Take care


    • I’m not really as focused on my stats as this review suggests. I just enjoy reflecting on how my blog is doing. Even without these stats, I’d still be writing. Plus, it gives me a chance to share some other’s blogs through my most recent followers and shout out to my regular commenters. I love this little blogosphere community.

      Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome, Joe. The daily stats are nice, but I enjoy seeing the trends over the whole month. It’s interesting to see the highs and lows and make the connections as to why they happened.


  2. Congratulations!!
    I do have a similar stats like you but I’m not calling Jan 2016 my ex-month 😀
    On a serious note, 2016 started off as a great year in terms of blogging for me and I’m looking forward to have more fun than last year.
    Cheers for more success!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL In retrospect, all the previous months are exes as none of them were as good stat wise as Feb. was. We’re still friends though 🙂 Good luck with your stats and blogging. Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: My Article Read (3-3-2016) – My Daily Musing

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