G is for …

GGentle. Like holding a newborn baby who is quietly falling asleep in soft, bouncing arms. Gentle. Like two kids kindly sharing crayons to color a picture, carefully staying inside the lines. Gentle. Like tiptoeing into your child’s room in the middle of the night to make sure they are warm and comfortable. Gentle. Like the sounds of crashing waves on a summer’s eve of a secluded beach. Gentle. Gentle? Seriously? I have two sons who I’ve nickname Crash and Bang. There is nothing gentle in this household.

Here. Let me show you how our house does “gentle”.

Yeah. That’s about right. We build towers to knock them down. We jump on beds. We jump down the stairs. We jump off swings. We jump in puddles. We jump on each other. We play kickity kick ball in the house. We soak the ceiling and flood the floor while splashing in the tub. We run and we ricochet off the walls. We spin until we’re so dizzy we fall down. We climb trees. We crash and we bang.

We’ve become numb to it. So long as no one is in real danger of hurting themselves, someone else or breaking the house, it’s tolerated. They can be gentle when they have to be. Babies, pets and stuffies are safe. They get careful hugs and sweet kisses.

The rest of us aren’t so safe. They’re not mean, just rough and tumble and “all boy”. Bang loves to wrestle his big brother. Jumps on him, tackles him, squeezes him, rides him like a horse. Most of the time it’s fun to watch.

They can be gentle. But it’s not in their nature to be.

*When I say “we”, I usually mean Crash and Bang. Not me. Usually.

13 thoughts on “G is for …

  1. What a cute post!! I love the names Crash and Bang. Boys need to be boys and they have to wrestle. Your a good writer. I loved your description of being gentle in the first paragraph.
    Stopping by from the A to Z challenge. I’m trying to randomly comment on at least 5 other’s blogs every day like they suggest. Have a great day!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for visting and commenting. You’re kindness is greatly appreciated. My two are, as the saying goes, all boy. Trucks, mud, noise, etc… Wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 Stop by anytime. Crash and Bang provide me with more than enough to write about. Sometime I include a few random things (like teaching or baseball).


  2. That was sneaky what you did there… but yes. Even in our house with one petite little girl, there is hardly gentle. If anything, it’s the word we say second most after “careful!” Fun post.


    • It’s my first instinct to think of boys as rough and girls as gentle. But truthfully, it’s kids in general. Girls can be just as rough. I know if we’d had a girl she’d be just as rough as the boys. And “careful” is used as often as gentle around here, as well. “Easy” “Whoa” “Calm Down” are close third, fourth and fifth 🙂


      • Also “nononononoooo,” or at least in our house. Careful and gentle sure can degrade quickly, especially when the cats are involved. Poor kitties will never forget the day the baby figured out she can pull their hair out. Blows her baby mind…

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t have any kids of my own, but I have an almost-8-year-old nephew. He is all boy! Guns, planes, Legos, running, and yelling!


    • They’re great fun in small doses 🙂 I like to run and yell, too. But only for small increments. Not sure how they go all dyday like that. Maybe it has something to do with the 10 hours of sleep at night?


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